Mon 27 Jan
♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆] ♛ Polish ♛[☆] DeLiCiOus Blonde [☆] GoDDeSS ♛♛517.763.7585 - 25
(Lansing, Cedar St. & Pennsylvania)
$$** PRETTY.. .lil' MIXED thang..U WILL WANT 2 C **$$** - 25
(Lansing, lansing and tri county areas)
Sun 12 Jan
➜➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ° EXØTiC KinkY💦👄 [1OO%REÁL]💦👄 KILLER BODY •T!GHT & CREAMY 🎀 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ - 21 - 21
(Lansing, lansing IN Calls n OUt)
Sat 11 Jan
Tatted, JUICY & SUCC-u-lent... ($50 SHORT STAY) All Night Specials - MORGANNA- (517) 455-1434 - 35
(Lansing, lansing hotel incall/ local outcall)
NEW In ToWN!!___ ☑ 1OO % SEXY _____ ☑ 1OO % INDEPENDENT _____ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING - 23
(Lansing, LANSING..IN/OUT)
Fri 10 Jan
Juicy & SUCK-u-LENT~ 100% Independent~ MORGANNA (517) 203-8195 - 38
(Lansing, Lansing incall (eastside) local o/c)
Gothic Goddess- Independent, Tatted, JUICY & SUCC-u-LENT... MORGANNA - (517) 455-1434 - 35
(Lansing, lansing incall/ local outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
NEW PICS! Gothic Goddess, MORGANNA call (517) 455-1434 (D&D; free) weekend specials - 34
(Lansing, lansing/surrounding (in/out))
Wed 08 Jan
NEW In ToWN!!___ ☑ 1OO % SEXY _____ ☑ 1OO % INDEPENDENT _____ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING - 23
(Lansing, LANSING..IN/OUT)
JorDain the REAL JuicyJ is Available INCALL (5/8/15 ONLY) & outcalls - 29
(Lansing, w sag hwy and surrounding)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
(Kalamazoo, Battlecreek InCaLL Specials....)
NEW PICS ))8(( Gothic Goddess here for Your Desires ))8(( 75 "quick" Specials Tonight Only - 32
(Lansing, lansing incall mostly / some out)
➜➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ° EXØTiC KinkY💦👄 [1OO%REÁL]💦👄 KILLER BODY •T!GHT & CREAMY 🎀 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ - 21 - 21
(Lansing, lansing oUtcalls only)
earlybird special! ))8(( Gothic Goddess:) MORGANNA ))8(( (95 flat til NOON i/c only) - 33
(Lansing, (east & south) incall / some out)
are you tired of looking for fun? well stop right here because im exactly what your looking for ;) - 21
(Lansing, Lansing, MI)
))8(( all NIGHT $75 SPECIAL}}8{{ MORGANNA ))8(( (517)455-1434 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, Lansing incall / some out)
Visiting Southfield, Lansing, and Grand Rapids ... Don't miss out on this Sassifaction!!! - 42
(Detroit, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Lansing, Southfield / West, Southfield, Lansing, Grand Rapids)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - - 21
Discreet Companionship with Beautiful MSU Grad. - 29
(East Lansing Incall, outcalls to you, Lansing)
Sun 05 Jan
Thursday til 5pm: Specials!! Just Me, or Totally Bi Duos with Harmony. InCall available Right Now!!! - 29
(East Lansing Incall, outcalls to you, Lansing)
Sat 04 Jan
Sun-Mon InCall Duos! Interactive Lovers Looking To Please You! Gorgeous & Intelligent - 29
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding)
Miss. Phat Azz **Thick & juicy*** yours truly - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and wherever you need me to be)
))8(( OUTCALL SPECIALS tonight w/MORGANNA ))8(( call (517)455-1434 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, Lansing, E.L.. Okemos,ect.~ outcall)
Wed. Evening/Thursday AM InCall.Duos with my real girlfriend Harmony: Amazing Bucketlist Experience - 29
(East Lansing Incall, outcalls to you, Lansing)
NEW PICS ))8(( Gothic Goddess here for Your Desires ))8(( 75 Special or 150 Hourly - 32
(Lansing, (east & south) incall / some out)
Avail All Night -Tatted, JUICY & SUCC-u-LENT...- MORGANNA- (517) 455-1434 - 35
(Lansing, lansing incall/ local outcall)
))8(( Gothic Goddess here for Your Desires ))8(( 70 Specials Tonight Only - 32
(Lansing, lansing incall mostly / some out)
Fri 03 Jan
*NEW BLONDE* ————— ((( ✰ SMOKIN' HOT SPECIALS ✰))) ————— FETISH FRIENDLY ** - 26
(Battle Creek, Battle InCALL Specials)
"let little Miss Sexy Treat Be just What the Doctor Ordered". - 20
(Lansing, Lansing area ,okemis area)
Gothic Goddess- Up All Night- Tatted, JUICY & SUCC-u-LENT... MORGANNA - (517) 455-1434 - 35
(Lansing, lansing incall/ local outcall)
.. ExOcTIc BoMbSHeLLs !...iT'S TiMe 2 PlAy MeN & WoMaN !..***** - 22
Europe Finance Romney's Campaign, Europe Created Euros, Europe Did 9/11, Europe is ENVY of USA! - 30
(Lansing, Lansing ( ACROSS THE BORDER))
))8(( OUTCALL SPECIALS tonight w/MORGANNA ))8(( call (517)515-3118 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, Lansing, E.L.. Okemos,ect.~in/out)
))8(( after work fun w/Gothic Goddess, MORGANNA ))8(( call (517) 455-1434 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, s. Lansing incall-o/c to surrounding)
Avail All Day -Tatted, JUICY & SUCC-u-LENT...- MORGANNA- (517) 455-1434 - 35
(Lansing, lansing incall/ local outcall)
))8(( SPECIALS tonight w/MORGANNA ))8(( call (517) 574-6542 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, Lansing, E.L.. Okemos,ect.~in/out)
ASHLEY is ready to please!!!!👄👄👄👄 SPECIALS, SPECIALS - 22
))8(( SPECIALS today w/Tattooed Goddess, MORGANNA ))8(( call (517) 455-1434 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, s. Lansing incall-o/c to surrounding)
Thu 02 Jan
I Can Sell Buses, GM, Ford, Chrysler, Boats, Motorcycles! USA WILL Have Free Health Care! - 30
(Lansing, lansing ( across the border))