Mon 27 Jan
$$** PRETTY.. .lil' MIXED thang..U WILL WANT 2 C **$$** - 25
(Lansing, lansing and tri county areas)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
_G O R G E O U S ♥ H O T T I E ♥ DOUS_ - 27
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
*:• ♥ G O O D ♥ 💜💜🔥🔥 G I R L💝:*:• ♥ 💜💜 T U R N E D♥💜💜💜🔥🔥 B A D ♥💜💜SPECIALS 💜🔥🔥 - 25
(Lansing, Jackson, Eaton Rapids, BC surrounding.)
Fri 10 Jan
"The Cadillac of Women!" Briana ⭐️ - 45
(Detroit, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/Detroit, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Warren / Sterling Heights)
Thu 09 Jan
ManDy!! Im FeelinG ExtrA NaughTy, SeXy, And I HavE A TinglinG SenSation ThAt WonT Stop!!! - 22
(lansing but can travel)
*hey all u freaks that like my scorpio ways call lets have fun** - 24
(Lansing, lansing / central michigan)
Wed 08 Jan
Stunning Selena (looking for more than average look no more I'm the girl who has it all!) - 26
(lansing but can travel)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Passionate green eyes, wild curly brown hair, curvaceous figure - 27
(East Lansing, Holt, okemos, Lansing)
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥ * - 25
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥ * - 21
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
OUT of TOWN gals. Elite in classy entertainment. 1000% real photos - 18
(Lansing, lansing and surrounding. can travel)
Sun 05 Jan
♥ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N ♥ - 27
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
We R All ~~~HoT N SeXY~~~~ N READY 4 WHAT U WaNT W US! - 25
(Lansing, E lansing and lansing tri county areas)
/hot-blonde- wiill- leave -you -speechless- 1oo- specials- all- nit - 29
(Lansing, lansing can travel)
--Im So0o0o0o ... WaNnA Play???? -- 100% REAL PICS 100% SATISFACTION **Don't Miss Out Boys !!! - 19
Perfect 10 Ladies Need Only Apply. Top Agency Seeks Top Girls Guaranteed $12,000-$15,000 A Week
(Detroit, Flint, Jackson, Lansing, Upper Peninsula, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
Now Hiring!! Upscale Escorts, become apart of the Millionairess Club!!! .... FREE AppIe iPAD!!!!!... - 39
(Nation wide)
(( Visiting )) SeXy** AdoRaBle ** FREAKY ** BloNde** 100% REAL PICS !! 100% SaTiSFaCtIoN!! - 19
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥ * - 27
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
Sat 04 Jan
NeW SeXY CHiCA in TOwN.....4 HoME CoMMiNG ONLY !! - 23
(Lansing, eastlansing and lansing tri county areas)
(Amy's back )100% real pics Ultimate Fantascy provider (no games no rush ) - 27
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)
Fri 03 Jan
Passionate green eyes, wild curly brown hair, curvaceous figure - 32
(East Lansing, Holt, okemos, Lansing)
~ Escorting Done RIGHT!!! - Professional Management - Guaranteed Safety - $1,500 Per Day!!! ~
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Thu 02 Jan