Manufacturing Jobs Went 2 China Cos China Has No Unions!!! China Doesnt Pay Medical Benefits!! - 30

Posted : Tuesday, January 07, 2025 09:35 AM | 6 views

Chinese work in sweatshops like slaves. Where is UN , where is Human Rights Commission? Chinese factories aka dollar store contribute to Global Warming. Why Walmart sells bottled water from China with hormones in it? I heard about rat poison in a baby formula and now they have hormones in a bottled water? WHERE IS FDA? WTF IS GOING ON? Why does China sells food containing hormones to USA? I WANNA BUY GARLIC MADE IN USA, NOT CHINA , COS I DONT LIVE IN F*CHINA! 519 992 7764 asian escorts michigan,escort around,listcrawler sarasota,jackson skip,gratiot county nudes,sinful skin tattoo,listcrawler elgin,skipthegames columbia mo,raleigh skipthegames,top ts only fans
  • Post ID : 1091314
  • Poster's age : 22
  • City : Lansing
  • Address : Lansing, Lansing ( across the border)