Sun 05 Jan
Amazing ~ * Sexxy ~* Exotic ~* Hottie ~* Real ~* Experience $85.. H..H Specail..145$h Specail - 27
☆... ☆...BEAUTIFUL... ☆...FUN!!! ☆... EXOTIC ☆... INCALLS ..... OUTCALLS .... Available 24//7 - 24
(Lansing, ✮ IN//OUT Lansing & All Surr. Cities ✮)
~~~~ 2 NeW, HoTT, SweEt, SeNTuaL FeMaLes ReaDy For You!! SaMMy Nd CaMi 734*858*9209 - 23
(Lansing, HoWeLL, BrIghTon, FowLerviLLe InOut CaLL)
* Busty Goddess Ready 2 Cream 4 U * Lunch Special going on Now!! - 21
(Lansing, Lansing/East Lansing/Will Travel)
*90 Lunch specials*°° ~~100% all real~~ beautiful latina, wild & fun kissable& satisfying. - 24
(Lansing, south)
Sat 04 Jan
❤️ NEW ❤️ Y O U N G ▬▬GIRL♥♥♥ ❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎▬▬ ♥ ASIAN ♥ ❎❎❎❎❎▬▬ YOUNG ▬▬ ❎ - 20 - 20
(East lansing, Lansing)
Want some saturday night excitement in your life, some relaxing fun? specials call all night. - 23
(Lansing, south Lansing)
¤¤¤ TwO BaBes, SaTerDaY NighT SpeCiaLs ¤¤¤ Real, ReaDy, Always Lookin our beSt ... 734_858_9209 - 23
(Detroit, Merriman & 94 in and outcalls all night)
×X× SUPR FRAK¥ ×X× ==► ( INCALL Or OUTCALL ) ◄ === ×X× AMAZ!NG SK!LLS ×X× - 24
/young -sexy- hott -and -ready -promise-its -something- u-will -never.regret - 23
(Lansing, Lansing,jackson,outcall,incall)
~~*$$*~~ Sara sexy tatted N pierced gives u everything U dnt get at home 2 grl spec - 23
(Lansing, east lansing)
❤ Rare Treat 70inch BIG BOOTY! ❤ Celebrity ❤ BBW - 33
(Lansing, Burton/ Flint/ Safe, Clean, Quiet Hotel)
-- NEW PiCS -- Why Ride A Chevy When You Can Ride ALEXUS ♡OUT CALL SPECIALS!!" - 20
(Lansing, Lansing And Surrounding Areas)
MixEd CuTiE ModeL FrAmE PlAyBoY ChEsT OuT CaLL SpEcIalS - 22
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
~*~ Safari's Here To Give You A Taste Of Something New ~*~ Be The First To Try Me Out~*~517 706 9188 - 28
(Lansing, lansing area)
LAURA is the classiest of all! pics are the girl you meet or your service is free! - 20
(Lansing, lansing will travel)
HOTTEST AroUnD So Don'T MiSS Out! MaKE YouR AppT NoW :) GOrGeoUS PLaYmAtE In ToWn! xo - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
~~I wanna be your sexy secret~~ exit 98 B or exit 104 fireskeepers notice incall only - 34
High Quality FUN... Not like the rest. im ready are You.. w... all week long. - 27
(Lansing, lansing-Will Travel Anywhere)
♣HoLiDaY SpEciAL Now Offering SS♣ ❤Young❤ British ❀Beautiful ❤Skilled ❀Petite❤ ❀Sweet Chocolate❀ - 19
(Lansing, Lansing/ East Lansing)
☆♡ Ill show YOU what the others couldnt DREAM OF♡♡ OUTCALL ONLY!! - 20
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
Late night special*°° ~~100% all real~~ beautiful latina, wild & fun kissable& satisfying. - 24
(Lansing, south)
I want you! All your needs, desires, fantasies, and fetishes fulfilled CALL THE BEST(517) 348~6665 - 35
(Lansing, South Lansing)
(/OUTCALLansing/okemos/east lansing/holt)
***I know the roads are ~"SUPER SLIPPERY"~ So ill come to You!!!*** - 24
(lansing-Will Travel Anywhere)
If you want me then come and get me
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Can YOU Take Me 4 A Rite in Ur Motor City MADE IN USA CAR?? Russian Brunette Natasha , Kinky - 30
(Ann Arbor, i have no place , i come to u)