Sun 05 Jan
★★Early morning 5 am in & outcalls★★ with a beautiful & sexy blonde, latina♥kissable & irresistable - 24
(Lansing, south)
~~Come finish the night off with a gorgeous latina ready to play~~ specials all night - 25
(Lansing, south lansing)
**** ALL Day *** Specials *** Who Wants *** To Play ***Open minded - 37
(Lansing, Northside lansing)
~~~~ 2 NeW, HoTT, SweEt, SeNTuaL FeMaLes ReaDy For You!! SaMMy Nd CaMi 734*858*9209 - 23
(Lansing, HoWeLL, BrIghTon, FowLerviLLe InOut CaLL)
Sat 04 Jan
🍒*__ SEXY __*🍒*__ WILD __*🍒* __ TASTY__ *🍒* ___👅 Good Girl WITH 👄💦 NAUGHTY Intentions ✖✖✖ - 25
(Lansing, Lansing come enjoy)
~♥ only one night here beautiful blonde latina your desire is my pleasure... call now - 25
(Lansing, south lansing)
~~~~ NeW, HoTT, SweEt, SeNTuaL... $60$ IncaLL SpeciaLs W/ SaMMy !! 734*858*9209 oR 734_308_1619 - 22
(Lansing, Detroit, southgate incalls only)
special rates for a special girl a girl like me does exist totall passable transexual enjoy - 22
!!!!!!BaCk By PoPular Demand! ReaDy 4 You $$70$$ FuN W/ SaMMy 734-858-9209 - 22
(Detroit, Downriver, SouthGate IN-CaLL ONLY)
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Downtown, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, In town, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Mi)
Fri 03 Jan
Duo Specials this week!! Cross this experience off your Bucket List with Kitra and Harmony - 30
(Ann Arbor, Central Michigan, East Lansing In or Out to Surrounding, Jackson, Lansing)
everything you've ever wanted is right here right now only a phone call way - 38
(Lansing, Lansing area (will travel))
√ BooTyLIciOuS FReaKy. FuN √ $$80$$ NaTuRaLy FuN, FReaKy, TaLenTeD °SaM° 734-858-9209 - 22
(Detroit, Downriver, southgate)
$$70$$ HoTT & ReaDy SpeCialS. W/ S•e•x•Y SaMMy!!! .... 734_858_9209 - 22
(Detroit, 696 & dequindre in-call only)
~~ 75 specials tonight only sexy blonde latina ~~♥ pure satisfaction ♥~~ come play with me - 24
(Lansing, south lansing)
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥ *{ EbonY} - 22
(Lansing, Lansing/Will Travel)
BAEutFuL SeXy SKY AvaiABle Now And reAdY to plEASe u ##100specials - 21
(Lansing, Lansing, incall some outcall)
Thu 02 Jan
thirsty Thursday NEW classy UPSCALE provider BUSTY40dd beautiful DONT MISS OUT call Amber 3136224025 - 26
(Lansing, W.saginaw hwy)
★ in & outcalls★★ with a beautiful & sexy blonde, latina♥kissable & irresistable - 24
(Lansing, south)