Sat 04 Jan
❤ Rare Treat 70inch BIG BOOTY! ❤ Celebrity ❤ BBW - 33
(Lansing, Burton/ Flint/ Safe, Clean, Quiet Hotel)
OmG !!!! MoUtH WaTeRiNg* JaW dRoPpInG* EbOnY % cHoCoLaTe TrEaT% .... MmMm .. JuSt LiKe CaNdY - 22
(Lansing In/Out)
Replace Welfare With Free Job Training! We Cant Afford 2 Have Unions Or Pay Benefits In 2013! - 30
(Detroit, Detroit ( across the border))
*"*Saphire is New Here And Hoping to Make All Your Holiday Wishes Truely Come True*"* - 23
new pics 💋 let me be the right one for you Come have some morning fun 💋📱 in and out spacials 💋 - 23
(Lansing, ( lansing in calls all night -out c)
:¦:-::*PLeAsUrE {LiKe }:( NeVer )♥ BeFoRe {XxXcLuSiVe ♥ DIRTY * LiTTLE * SECRET - 23
***Seductive Katalina Here to Make Your Wildest Fantasies Come True*** - 26
(Lansing, Lansing, will travel)
Real *RED hair 517 894 3315*5'0 foot tall 100pounds* spinner ** out&INN; call - 23
(Frandor, Lansing)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* One in a MILLION...... Top Notch BLONDE..... Upscale Provider *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 21
NeW SeXY CHiCA in TOwN.....4 HoME CoMMiNG ONLY !! - 23
(Lansing, eastlansing and lansing tri county areas)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* One in a MILLION..... Top Notch BLONDE..... Upscale Provider •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 21
~♥ only one night here beautiful blonde latina your desire is my pleasure... call now - 25
(Lansing, south lansing)
-- NEW PiCS -- Why Ride A Chevy When You Can Ride ALEXUS ♡OUT CALL SPECIALS!!" - 20
(Lansing, Lansing And Surrounding Areas)
Russian Brunette Independent Real Pics 519 992 7764 , Avble Till 4 am ( across the border) - 30
(Detroit, DETROIT MICHIGAN( across the border))
***NewStar*** (Best Duo in Lansing) Sexi SeRiNiTy and ALasKan Beauty Tabitha 517 894 8097 - 19
Miss. Phat Azz **Thick & juicy*** yours truly - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and wherever you need me to be)
💖 💕SEDUCTIVE & SWEET 💕💖MONICA waiting 4 You!! ( New Pic's )💖💲95💲FANTASIES Do Come True - 29
(Lansing, North lansing)
~*~ Safari's Here To Give You A Taste Of Something New ~*~ Be The First To Try Me Out~*~517 706 9188 - 28
(Lansing, lansing area)
*★* NEW TaStY* ♡* EyE CaNdY *★ EXOtIC CuTiE* 100% Real *★ * - 22
(Lansing, Lansing & Surrounding Areas)
~~~~ NeW, HoTT, SweEt, SeNTuaL... $60$ IncaLL SpeciaLs W/ SaMMy !! 734*858*9209 oR 734_308_1619 - 22
(Lansing, Detroit, southgate incalls only)
republican romney ,Why Should AMERICAN PEOPLE Trust you In JOB Creation, If U Sent Jobs OVERSEAS? - 30
(Lansing, Lansing ( ACROSS THE BORDER))
LAURA is the classiest of all! pics are the girl you meet or your service is free! - 20
(Lansing, lansing will travel)
HOTTEST AroUnD So Don'T MiSS Out! MaKE YouR AppT NoW :) GOrGeoUS PLaYmAtE In ToWn! xo - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
~~I wanna be your sexy secret~~ exit 98 B or exit 104 fireskeepers notice incall only - 34
☆♥☆Ill Show You What The Other Girls Couldn't DREAM of ♡☆♡ --OUTCALLSPECIALS!!-- - 20
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
🌅█🌅█🌅█ LUCKY ★ ★ ★ Best Asian Acupressure in Town ★ ★ ★ New Asian Staff (Jackson) - 25
High Quality FUN... Not like the rest. im ready are You.. w... all week long. - 27
(Lansing, lansing-Will Travel Anywhere)
☆♡ Ill show YOU what the others couldnt DREAM OF♡♡ OUTCALL ONLY!! - 20
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
Looking for some fun or to relieve some stress, well look no further!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)