Sun 05 Jan
® Nina-A-Ross*com ♦100 .. & 50 per-cent! (I'm Real) ♦ "Call me 24/7" ♦ - 28
(Lansing, Michigan™ In/Out All Areas ♦)
(( > L O O K SeXy EbOnY BaRbiE HaS ArRiVeD!! NEW IN TWN!! L O O K < )) - °o© - 21
(Lansing IN/OUT)
☆... ☆...BEAUTIFUL... ☆...FUN!!! ☆... EXOTIC ☆... INCALLS ..... OUTCALLS .... Available 24//7 - 24
(Lansing, ✮ IN//OUT Lansing & All Surr. Cities ✮)
~~~~ 2 NeW, HoTT, SweEt, SeNTuaL FeMaLes ReaDy For You!! SaMMy Nd CaMi 734*858*9209 - 23
(Lansing, HoWeLL, BrIghTon, FowLerviLLe InOut CaLL)
Sat 04 Jan
🍒👉WATCH 👀 ME👈 Slide...MY panties OFF👗💦 & 👉GIVE YOU👈 Something 💦💋 S👅O👅F👅T🍒 - 23
(Ann Arbor, Detroit, Downtown, IN/OUT AREA, Lansing)
( . Y . ) Unemployed Elf With Alot Of Free Time!!! ( . Y . ) - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and the surrounding areas)
Want some saturday night excitement in your life, some relaxing fun? specials call all night. - 23
(Lansing, south Lansing)
Why wait grab a THICKER!!!! Yellow bone special!!! 734-250-1423 in/out - 19
(Detroit, Downtown Det in/out)
*¨¨*-:¦: -* WHEN _-:¦:-_ ONLY _-:¦:-_ THE _-:¦:-_ BEST _ -:¦:-_ WILL_-:¦:-_ DO *¨¨*-:¦: -* - 26
(Lansing, lansing but will travel)
**Where your time is play time** Hotties Waiting 4 You () " The Fun" - 24
(Lansing, lansing and central michigan)
ultra hot unsadifable females dark blonde and a dark red hair that is lushly thick for you.. - 23
(Lansing, Lansing/South)
( . Y . ) Angel Without Wings! Afternoon Specials!!( . Y . ) Duos Available!!! ( . Y . ) - 24
(Lansing, lansing and the surrounding areas)
#❶ ToP CHoiCE ★ClAsSY ★Pretty ★Curvy ★Open-Minded ★ 24/7 ♡♥ - 29
(Lansing, lansing~incall/outcall available)
❎❎❎SuPer H❍T⇩ DoMinatioN ⇩ FeTiSh ⇩ ReAl GuaRanTeed⇩⇩ ❎❎❎ - 23
(Detroit, IN & OUT, Jackson, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Southfield / West)
❤ Rare Treat 70inch BIG BOOTY! ❤ Celebrity ❤ BBW - 33
(Lansing, Burton/ Flint/ Safe, Clean, Quiet Hotel)
OmG !!!! MoUtH WaTeRiNg* JaW dRoPpInG* EbOnY % cHoCoLaTe TrEaT% .... MmMm .. JuSt LiKe CaNdY - 22
(Lansing In/Out)
sexy long haired blonde ready to please you in anyway possiable-24 - 24
(Lansing, lansing / central michigan)
*"*Saphire is New Here And Hoping to Make All Your Holiday Wishes Truely Come True*"* - 23
new pics 💋 let me be the right one for you Come have some morning fun 💋📱 in and out spacials 💋 - 23
(Lansing, ( lansing in calls all night -out c)
:¦:-::*PLeAsUrE {LiKe }:( NeVer )♥ BeFoRe {XxXcLuSiVe ♥ DIRTY * LiTTLE * SECRET - 23
New pics come have fun It's meme I'm bk and ready to see my regulars in & Out calls special - 23
~*~ Safari's Here To Give You A Taste Of Something New ~*~ Be The First To Try Me Out~*~517 706 9188 - 28
(Lansing, lansing area)
HOTTEST AroUnD So Don'T MiSS Out! MaKE YouR AppT NoW :) GOrGeoUS PLaYmAtE In ToWn! xo - 24
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
I'm still up n doing out calls!!!! Sexy, big butty, caramel Tiffany (517)574-6934 - 24
(Lansing, out/in-call will travel)
do not take RISKS!! colombiana for u!! nude massage"! - 22
(Lansing, lansing come to me on the south by holt)
encounter the GODDESS. COME PLAY. Warning: Enter at your own risk..May cause addiction - 24
♥ ☆ CRAVING SOMEONE LIKE ME ☆ ♥ Available 24/7 - 28
(Lansing, lansing~surrounding areas~in/out)
~°FUN SIZE°~ **Lets Play!** •Sexi Lil' Blonde• available now for out calls & in calls - 22
(Lansing, lansing/jackson)
good morning fellas arhfie you looking for some fun to make your day? early bird specials - 23
(Lansing, south Lansing)
💋 Beautiful, Irish and Italian bombshell .💋 Available after 12 noon - 27
(Lansing, Lansing in/outcalls)
5 Star Exotic Beauty * Its Me or Its Free * Visiting * West Coast Vixen * Lansing In/Out Call Me - 21
(Lansing, lansing in /out surrounding area)
Book One hour Get One Free! Let me be your Present! Sexy Cameron is all YOURS! - 30
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
Available All Weekend: Sexy, Sensual, & Sweet. Your Girlfriend-by-the-hour... Kitra! - 29
(East Lansing Incall, outcalls to you, Lansing)
100%-:¦:- ALL-:¦:- ME-:¦:- S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y - 27
(Lansing, lansing but will travel)
(Amy's back )100% real pics Ultimate Fantascy provider (no games no rush ) - 27
(Lansing, lansing but can travel)